The day you help others is the day you start living. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

A gain of Psycho Socio Economic Status
Marialaya’s constant journey with the women, made us realize the truth that women are the vital force around which a community grows and sustains itself. Be it in the field of education, health or skill development, empowering a woman leads to the betterment of the entire family which leads to a better society. If one woman can pave the way for a better society, why not train a group of women to empower themselves and their own society through their families. Marialaya instils in women the habit of saving and using banking facilities among the members. Marialaya’s SHGs play a major role in sensitising more women to form SHGs thus helping the women to make a collective decision to enhance their confidence. The culture of SHGs brings in the community a change the gender dynamics of power, women’s greater say in the family’s decision-making and also are seen women as stakeholders and partners in taking the community forward. The financial independence has eventually paved the way for societal upliftment of women with their voices.
Tie up with Sathiyabama University
Marialaya strives to raise the economic standard of women through vocational training programmes like Bakery and Catering and computer education. We tie up with the MBA department of Sathiyabama deemed University where our women go for regular training in Bakery and catering and with university certificate get jobs in big commercial bakeries and some of them start their small bakery unit in their houses preparing pastries and sell them. 2 Women group members have few women even run catering unit on their own and supply food on small occasions.

Join Hands With Us
Are you interested in helping out MARIALAYA as a volunteer?
You can post a request or drop in directly at our centre at Kannagi Nagar.